Special July

Let’s put it this way, this July is some how very special as there’s a lot happened or going to be happening in this month.

First of all, the “2011 vExperts” announced in early July, with special thanks to “John Troyer” and his team on VMware for their hard works and great support.

Second, There would be a “HUGE” and “Very Important” online event and announcement(s) by “Paul Maritz, CEO” and “Steve Herrod, CTO” on July 12th which can be register by clicking on the below image and all I can say that “vExperts Bob Plankers, Bill Hill, David Davis, and Eric Siebert” will be in this huge event as well, so you can guess how much this event is important to all VMware customers, partners and fans. I’m highly recommend to register and attend this online event.

Also, from 19th July, there would be “Free” special “VMware View Bootcamp Training” in 9 parts and it’s accessible via this link: VMware View Bootcamp; these 9 parts training “Bootcamp” would be a great way to learn how to design, deploy and manage VMware View and VDI.

These are what I could say up to now as there is still something happening in the “Virtualization World” behind the scene.

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