DCAS-#006 (Host configuration backup)

Well, It’s long time after my previous post and the reason of my inactivity is my state in my company and previous project, anyway, I have started reading and working on VMware documents and moving toward my next exam.

Today I have worked on saving host configuration using both VMware vCLI and VMware vMA, they both have same structure as they can see below, I have used both of these commands with session file which I created before. (for more information about “Session Files” this post (DCAS-#004) or this link can be check.)

VMware vCLI:

Host configuration can be backed up using “vicfg-cfgbackup.pl” in VMware vCLI like below:

vicfg-cfgbackup.pl --sessionfile SESSIONFILE -s BACKUPFILE

In my case:

vicfg-cfgbackup.pl --sessionfile "c:hlsesxi41-2" -s "c:hlscfgesxi41-2-cfgbackup.bak"

VMware vCLI:

Host configuration can be backed up using “vicfg-cfgbackup” in VMware vMA like below:

vicfg-cfgbackup --sessionfile SESSIONFILE -s BACKUPFILE

In my case:

vicfg-cfgbackup --sessionfile esxi41-1 -s cfgbackups/esxi41-1[May-01-11].bak

No Session File?

Also if the “session file” is not available, both command can be use like below:

vicfg-cfgbackup --server SERVER --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD -s BACKUPFILE


vicfg-cfgbackup.pl --server SERVER --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD -s BACKUPFILE

where, SERVER is the target host which it’s configuration must be backed up, USERNAME is the account with proper privilege, PASSWORD is the password for the given account and finally the BACKUPFILE is the path and file name of backup file.

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