Long Absence


I got a long absence because of my travel, exam and projects which lead me to this point.

Well, I’m back again with some various news about myself, projects and …

During these “Long Absence”, I had a traveled to Dubai, U.A.E and I’ve taken one VMware Advance Exam which I’m going to write my personal experience about it very soon; for making it short “I’d Failed” for the first time but it was a great experience and there is always a first time for every thing. 😉

As for projects, my “First Personal Project” finished successfully and I might sign support agreement for it, the state of this new support project would be clear in two next weeks, so the notes from “First Personal Project” is some how finished.

In the other hand, in this month, I would work as virtualization freelance consultant (my second personal project) for a company and would design an infrastructure for their available services, also as I’m start participating in huge VDI Project (about 450 vDesktops), I’ll post all notes, problems and tips about these projects here as I meet them during my works.

Other part as “QA” would be added to site in both “English” and “Persian” languages, so you can post your questions and I’d try* to answer them or at least I’d link you to the proper “SME”.

* IMHO, No one knows everything and somehow there would be a question which every one of us (some times me, some times you) should search for its answer and that’s the reason I said “try to answer them” 😉

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