Think about scenario which two or more hard disks should be created and added to a specific VM(s); there are multiple ways like using GUI (vSphere Client) or PowerCLI. 😉
If normal GUI (vSphere Client) going to be use, it would be a time-consuming process but when trying to do it with PowerCLI (automated way), it’d be so much faster.
I had two VMs which needed “8 hard disks on SATA and 2 hard disk on SSD” to be added, which means adding 20 disks in total so for preventing suffering from same process in future I made bellow script. ( script demo on YouTube )
1. This is first version of script and only work in interactive mode and might have some bug; I’d be really grateful if you could kindly let me know any possible bug/problem you saw. I’d try to update it in a way so it can get parameters or/and accepting file as source.
2. Please test it on one test VM before using it on any production VM.
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################################### # Title: Mass Hard Disk Creator # Ver: 0.1 # Author: Sohrab Kasraeian Fard (@Kasraeian) # Date: 11/15/2012 ################################### CLS # Get VM List Write-Host "VM List" Get-VM | sort Name # Selecting the target VM $VM = Read-Host ("`nPlease select the target VM to add new hard disk(s) to it") # Checking VM current state $CH = Get-HardDisk -VM $VM $CC = Get-VM -Name $VM | Get-ScsiController if ($CH.count -ge 2) { $AHS = 60 - $CH.count } elseif ($CH.count -ne "") { $AHS = 59 } if ($CC.count -ge 2) { $ACS = 4 - $CC.count } elseif ($CC.count -ne "") { $ACS = 3 } $vmh = Get-VM -Name $VM | select VMHost $vmh = $vmh.VMHost.Name $vmhds = Get-VMHost $vmh | Get-Datastore | sort name #Main Process if ($AHS -lt 60 -or $CH.count -ne "") { Write-Host "`nThere are $ahs free slot available for adding hard disk for selected VM." [Int]$Qty = Read-Host ("How many hard disk(s) do you want to add (Max $ahs)?") [Int]$Cap = Read-Host ("Please define new hard disk(s) capacity in GB [Range: 0.001-1024]") $NDSR = Read-Host ("Should new hard disk(s) be saved on other datastore?") if ($NDSR -like "yes") { $k=1; Write-Host "`n" $vmhds | %{ Write-Host "$($k).`t$($_.Name)`t$($_.CapacityGB)`t$($_.FreeSpaceGB)"; $k++ } $SNDSI = Read-Host ("Please select new datastore from above list") $SNDS = $vmhds[$SNDSI-1].Name } if ($ACS -le 4 -and $ACS -gt 0) { $NCR = Read-Host ("Want to add new controller for new disks?") if ($NCR -like "yes") { $RNCT = Read-Host ("`n[BLP] BusLogic Parallel`n[LLP] LSI Logic Parallel`n[LLS] LSI Logic SAS`n[VPV] VMware Paravirtual`nWhich controller type should be added [Other = OS Default]?") switch($RNCT) { "BLP" { $NCT = "VirtualBusLogic" } "LLP" { $NCT = "VirtualLsiLogic" } "LLS" { $NCT = "VirtualLsiLogicSAS" } "VPV" { $NCT = "ParaVirtual" } default { $NCT = "Default" } } } } else { Write-Host "There is no empty slot on selected VM for adding any new SCSI Controller." } $Approve = Read-Host "Please approve to create new $qty disk(s) for $vm with capacity of $cap GB" if ($Approve -eq "Yes" -and $Qty -le $AHS -and $Cap -ge 0.001 -and $Cap -le 1024) { for ($j = 1; $j -le $Qty; $j++) { if ($j -eq 1 -and $NCR -like "yes" -and $NDSR -notlike "yes") { New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB $Cap -StorageFormat Thin | New-ScsiController -Type $NCT -Confirm:$false $SC = Get-VM -Name $VM | Get-ScsiController $SCT = $SC.count - 1 } elseif ($j -eq 1 -and $NCR -like "yes" -and $NDSR -like "yes") { New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB $Cap -StorageFormat Thin -Datastore $SNDS | New-ScsiController -Type $NCT -Confirm:$false $SC = Get-VM -Name $VM | Get-ScsiController $SCT = $SC.count - 1 } elseif ($j -ge 2 -and $NCR -like "yes" -and $NDSR -notlike "yes") { New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB $Cap -StorageFormat Thin -Controller "SCSI controller $SCT" -Confirm:$false } elseif ($j -ge 2 -and $NCR -like "yes" -and $NDSR -like "yes") { New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB $Cap -StorageFormat Thin -Controller "SCSI controller $SCT" -Datastore $SNDS -Confirm:$false } elseif ($NDSR -notlike "yes") { New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB $Cap -StorageFormat Thin -Confirm:$false } elseif ($NDSR -like "yes") { New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB $Cap -StorageFormat Thin -Datastore $SNDS -Confirm:$false } } } elseif ($Approve -ne "Yes") { Write-Host "Process terminated by user." -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red } elseif ($Qty -gt $AHS) { Write-Host "Can't create disk more than available free slot!" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red } elseif ($Cap -lt 0.001 -or $Cap -gt 1024) { Write-Host "Selected capacity is out of possible range!" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red } else { Write-Host "Please check given parameter and try again!" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red } } elseif ($AHS -eq 0) { Write-Host "There is no empty slot on selected VM for adding any hard disk." }