Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

It’s began with an email for seminar invitation; In that email, there was note on the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and as I’m already using 14.04 Beta on few VMs, I looked for LTS and found out it would be available around March 17th and there were two commands for 13.10 users who wants to update to latest 14.04 build.

[crayon title=”TrustyUpgrades” lang=”bash”]sudo apt-get install update-manager-core

do-release-upgrade -d[/crayon]

I’ve tried those commands and get bellow images.

After selecting the “Y” for installation I restart the server and got bellow screen.


I’m not sure, but it seems I upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and this is the final built which should be release around March 17th. (Based on 3rd line as it wrote “14.04 LTS”)

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